Personal Financial Statement: How Your Numbers Look to a Lender
Benefits: Lenders, and most equity investors, want to know not only about your business's financial position, but also about the personal financial profile of the business's owners. The attached file is a personal financial statement form used by a Midwest regional bank. It outlines all the information that conventional lenders will want to know about your personal finances, from a description of your assets and liabilities to identification of your sources of income. You can get a good idea of what lenders are looking for, how your financial profile will appear to them, and the importance of carefully completing such a form before submitting it to a lender.
File description: The file contains a three-page document in rich text format (RTF) that is suitable for use with most word processing programs used in the Windows environment.
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Special Features:
- concise organization of itemized relevant personal financial factors
- practical outline for preparing a specific lender's personal financial statement form
- detailed schedules for your outstanding credit sources and your specific assets, including securities, real estate and life insurance
- standard consent provisions regarding the use of the personal information for additional credit inquiries
- standard provisions imposing an ongoing duty on the applicant to update information