Instructions for Downloading FilesIf you have already configured your browser to read the type of file selected, the document or spreadsheet will be launched automatically. If you have not configured your browser, a dialog box will appear, telling you whether the file is an RTF (rich text format) document or is an Excel spreadsheet. You will have several options, depending on the type of browser you have.
Saving A File After Download Is Complete
Upon completion of download, you can easily SAVE any file to your hard-drive by selecting "File/Save As" from your Browser's menu for making unlimited changes or customizing each to fit your specific needs and desires.
Netscape Navigator 3.0 options
- Click on the link to the tool.
- A dialog box will appear. Choose "More Info" to get information from Netscape regarding various plug-ins that are available to allow viewing the document in the Netscape browser.
- Choose "Pick App" to select either MS Word or Excel, as appropriate. Select "Browse" and find the appropriate executable file.
- NOTE: If you are using Netscape Navigator 3.0, we strongly recommend that you upgrade to a more recent version of Navigator or Explorer.
Netscape Navigator/Communicator 4.x options
- Click on the link to the tool.
- A dialog box will appear, warning that there is a possible security hazard. Choose "Save to disk" to save a copy of the file to your hard drive, after which you can select the appropriate software package.
- Choose "Open" and Netscape will launch the appropriate software package and open the file. Note: Navigator may remain the active window after an Excel file is opened, so you'll have to select the Excel window to view the document.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 and 4.0 options
- Click on the link to the tool.
- A dialog box will appear. Choose "Save to disk" to save a copy of the file to your disk, after which you can select the appropriate software package to open the file.
- Choose "Open" and Internet Explorer will open the file in a browser window.
- NOTE: If you are using Internet Explorer 3.0, we strongly recommend tat you upgrade to a more recent version of Explorer or Navigator.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 options
- Click on the link to the tool.
- If the tool is in rich text format (has an extension of .rtf), the file will open in the browser window.
- If the file is an Excel file (has an extension of .xls or .xlt), a dialog box will appear. Choose "Save to disk" to save a copy of the file to your disk, after which you can select the appropriate software package to open the file.
- Choose "Open" and Internet Explorer will open the file in a browser window.
Disclaimer: This "Small Business Toolbox" is not a substitute for the advice of professional legal, accounting or a business services expert. The above links provide you with editable forms and suggestions on how you might use them. We cannot and do not provide specific advice for your exact situation, and therefore cannot decide whether these forms are appropriate for you.